Tag: Healthy pregnancy

Whooping Cough Vaccine - Mandatory?

Whooping Cough Vaccine – Mandatory?

Marie, my friend is pregnant at the same time as me, and her doctor suggested that she get a whooping cough vaccine. Mine didn’t mention
Consuming Milk in the Form of Popsicles

Consuming Milk in the Form of Popsicles

For some people, it’s hard to get enough milk daily to reach recommended levels because they don’t like the taste or texture. During periods of
I am pregnant and have a toothache. What should I do?

I am pregnant and have a toothache. What should I do?

Marie, I am 16 weeks pregnant and I have to get a tooth repaired. Should I wait until after childbirth? Will it harm my baby?
Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Do you know which medications are allowed during pregnancy? What can you take for nausea or headaches? What about a cold? If congested, can I
Will I know if I break my water in the pool?

Will I know if I break my water in the pool?

I am worried about breaking my water in the pool and not knowing...Is this possible? Charlotte Yes, Charlotte, it’s possible, but if it happens, you
Can I eat seafood while pregnant?

Can I eat seafood while pregnant?

My name is Helena, and I need reassurance. I regularly eat shrimp and other seafood in my diet for their nutrients. But now that I
Recommendations from my expert, Marie-Ève.

Recommendations from my expert, Marie-Ève.

If you would like to learn more about evaluating urine incontinence, read Status Report. Si vous souhaitez approfondir vos connaissances sur l'évaluation des pertes urinaires,
Photo - Catherine Germain, kinésiologue et fondatrice Bouger pour ma santé

Active While Pregnant

Article updated on Novembre 2020 This article was written in collaboration with Catherine Germain from Bouger Pour Ma Santé. Many active mothers can find pregnancy
How can I relieve the baby’s pressure in my pelvis?

How can I relieve the baby’s pressure in my pelvis?

Marie, I have a baby in my pelvis that places a lot of weight on my pubic symphysis. I feel like the baby will pop
I’m pregnant and tired. Can I drink natural energy drinks?

I’m pregnant and tired. Can I drink natural energy drinks?

Can I drink natural energy drinks? Is it risky for me or for the baby? I am hesitant now that I’m pregnant.
Mosquito Repellent Products (Insecticides)

Mosquito Repellent Products (Insecticides)

To learn more about repellents, go to How to Use a Repellent (or Insecticide) for Insects, Mosquitoes and Ticks. Article updated on July 2023. Insect
Almost 36 weeks pregnant!

Almost 36 weeks pregnant!

Make sure you read the previous part of the story – I am slowly getting back to normal at my own pace. Assurez-vous de lire