Tag: Life as a family

You’ve grown from a baby to a little boy.

You’ve grown from a baby to a little boy.

To read the previous part, go to You are learning so many new things! Pour lire la partie précédente, voir Tu réussis tellement de nouvelles
Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

I have an eight-week-old baby and they often sleep in my bed with me because they have stomach aches and this is the only way
My baby is five months old and still not sleeping a full night!

My baby is five months old and still not sleeping a full night!

Why is my five-month-old still waking up every two or three hours at night? How can I change the situation?
Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Parents, it is clear that the birth of a child changes your life and requires you adapt to a complex process that is influenced by
Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Date : 27 novembre 2017 Theme: Adapting to a new baby in the family Having a baby is a significant event in a couple’s life. You
Postnatal Care for your Baby

Postnatal Care for your Baby

The nurse will also apply an antibiotic unguent in your baby’s eyes to prevent infections that can follow due to possible contamination
Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Date: November 27, 2016 Theme: Babywearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor Facebook Live video with Émilie Tanné, a babywearing monitor. In this video, Marie and
Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my two-month-old baby water? It’s sweltering out, and he’s always thirsty. Thanks for your help, Anouk Anouk, your baby is still too
Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

I was wondering if I could wash my future baby’s clothing in the same wash I do for my own. Do I need special soap?
Worries and Levels of Anxiety

Worries and Levels of Anxiety

Worrying can be defined as a train of thoughts difficult to control accompanied by negative emotions.
Do you have some practical hints about making baby purées?

Do you have some practical hints about making baby purées?

My name is Maude, and I have a five-month-old baby. I want to make healthy homemade purées for my baby and was wondering if you
My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

Marie, my baby cries for long periods during both the day and night. Most of the time, I am alone to take care of it,