Tag: Returning home

Do I need to boil bottled water?

Do I need to boil bottled water?

If I use bottled water to dilute my 2-month-old baby’s milk, is this water ready to use for the mix, or should I boil it
Baby Skin Conditions

Baby Skin Conditions

Many types of newborn skin conditions and birthmarks exist, including heat rash, erythema toxicum, newborn acne, hemangioma, nevus simplex, Mongolian spot and many more! When
How to choose a baby carrier for babywearing?

How to choose a baby carrier for babywearing?

Marie, someone offered to buy me a stomach baby carrier as a baby shower gift. I like the idea, but she wants to know which
My thoughts these days are about animal management

My thoughts these days are about animal management

Read Chantal's previous story, Tick-tock…Anguish as time passes both too slowly and too quickly… Lisez le récit précédent de Chantal en consultant Les tics et
What are the signs of postpartum depression?

What are the signs of postpartum depression?

I just gave birth, and my doctor said I was starting to show signs of postpartum depression. He told me to go see a specialist;
Mourning a “Normal” Child

Mourning a “Normal” Child

Did you read the previous part, An Experience of a Lifetime? Experiencing the arrival of a baby that is different in life is facing a
Electric Breast Pumps

Electric Breast Pumps

If you want to increase or maintain your production and are having difficulty, or give bottles regularly, choose an electric breast pump.
Bathing a Newborn

Bathing a Newborn

You might feel insecure giving a newborn a bath. Marie demonstrates a newborn bath massage with baby Romain.
Baby Massages

Baby Massages

Do you want to massage your baby but don’t know where to start? In this video, a teacher, will show you how to practice.
What are the causes of hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth?

What are the causes of hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth?

If you want to learn more about hair loss, go to Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth. Si vous souhaitez en connaitre plus sur
I gave birth and am losing my hair!

I gave birth and am losing my hair!

Marie, I don’t know what to do! Since I gave birth, I am losing all my hair just with my fingers or my hairbrush! I
The Needs of New Mothers

The Needs of New Mothers

Hello Everyone, The postnatal period is another stage in the parenthood continuum. You carry your baby, give birth to it, then you breastfeed it and