Category: Questions/answers

I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m 15 weeks pregnant. I wanted this pregnancy, and I was happy that I became pregnant this soon, but now I am really anxious.
How much coffee during pregnancy?

How much coffee during pregnancy?

Are you one of those people who need your cup of coffee in the morning, and dread having to give it up now that you're
I have flat nipples and worried my baby won’t be able to breastfeed

I have flat nipples and worried my baby won’t be able to breastfeed

I have flat nipples, and I don’t know how my baby will be able to breastfeed when they are born in six months. Can I
What is the latency phase?

What is the latency phase?

The doctor told me that I am in the latency phase, but I don’t know what that means. I am 39 weeks pregnant with my
I am pregnant and my doctor said I have gained too much weight. What should I do?

I am pregnant and my doctor said I have gained too much weight. What should I do?

Marie, I’m very worried because during my last appointment my doctor said I have gained too much weight for my number of weeks pregnant. I
What is stripping?

What is stripping?

Marie, my doctor talked about stripping my membrane to help start my labour. Does it hurt, and does it work all the time? Membrane stripping
What’s the difference between stress and anxiety?

What’s the difference between stress and anxiety?

What the difference is between stress and anxiety? I have a friend who was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder.
Hair Care Products During Pregnancy

Hair Care Products During Pregnancy

Marie, I have to get a perm and was wondering if it is dangerous given hair care products have strong odours and I am 7
I would like to give birth naturally. Can you suggest things to help soothe pain?

I would like to give birth naturally. Can you suggest things to help soothe pain?

My name is Adèle, and I am pregnant with my first baby. What stresses me the most is that I would like to give birth
I am pregnant and have urinary incontinence. What should I do?

I am pregnant and have urinary incontinence. What should I do?

Marie, over the past 2-3 weeks, I have been terrified of leaking urine. It has happened to me a couple of times when I would
How can you increase iron absorption?

How can you increase iron absorption?

How can you increase iron absorption? Coffee and tea should be consumed about 2 hours before or after the meal.
What is couvade syndrome?

What is couvade syndrome?

Marie, what is couvade syndrome? Charlotte Hello Charlotte, Thank you for your question. Many future fathers are affected by this syndrome, and few people understand