Tag: Breastfeeding

Tobacco and Breastfeeding

Tobacco and Breastfeeding

Make sure you read the previous part about the impacts of cigarette use. Even if the pregnant woman uses tobacco products during pregnancy, breastfeeding remains
Starting Breastfeeding

Starting Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is an important topic during prenatal classes during pregnancy to prepare parents for starting breastfeeding. When parents are better informed about winning methods to
I have inverted nipples. Can I breastfeed?

I have inverted nipples. Can I breastfeed?

I am pregnant and want to breastfeed my baby. However, I have inverted nipples, and I am scared that my baby won’t be able to
Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Marie, I have a question, and the answers I have gotten are not always the same. Do I need to wash my breast with a
Which formula should I give my baby?

Which formula should I give my baby?

I have to stop breastfeeding because I am returning to work early, and I would like to know more about different kinds of formulas, and
Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Do you have a nipple wound and it hurts? Flat nipples or a very strong ejection reflex? Nipple shields or nipple protectors are your solution
Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

What happens during the first moments with your baby? How does the body prepare for breastfeeding?
Choosing the Right Nursing Bra

Choosing the Right Nursing Bra

Mothers have many questions when pregnant, and these depend on the pregnancy stage. At the start, they may have questions about insecurity. Then questions shift
Weaning a Child from Breastfeeding

Weaning a Child from Breastfeeding

Marie, I want to start gradually weaning my child from breastfeeding and was wondering what the best way is. Can you help? Marie-Chantal Hello Marie-Chantal,
It hurts when I breastfeed!

It hurts when I breastfeed!

I know that when we start breastfeeding, a mother may have nipple wounds…but I can’t stand it anymore! Please, I need help… Melissa I understand
Can I add pumped milk to the milk in the fridge?

Can I add pumped milk to the milk in the fridge?

Hello Marie! This morning I pumped my milk but only got 2 ounces. I was told to put it in the fridge and to not
Do you need a nursing bra?

Do you need a nursing bra?

To learn more about nursing bra considerations, go to Choosing the Right Nursing Bra. Do you need a nursing bra? You don’t have to buy