Tag: Care for the baby

Flu and pregnancy

Flu and pregnancy

Durant la grossesse, de grands changements sur le plan physiologique rendent la future mère plus vulnérable aux infections dont la grippe.
Practical Advice to Avoid Low Breast Milk Production

Practical Advice to Avoid Low Breast Milk Production

Below are practical things you can do to avoid low breast milk production. Here is some practical advice.
How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

I have questions because my baby sleeps a lot and I wonder if I should stimulate them to optimise their development.
Am I eating enough for my baby’s growth?

Am I eating enough for my baby’s growth?

Marie, I am having difficulty eating regularly, and I don’t know if I am eating enough for my baby’s growth. Can you help? I am
Caring for Pacifiers and Nipples

Caring for Pacifiers and Nipples

It’s essential to care for pacifiers and nipples. When you buy them, it’s preferable to boil them.
My baby is eight months old and always wants stand. Is this too early?

My baby is eight months old and always wants stand. Is this too early?

My name is Jacinthe and Charlie, my eight-month-old baby always wants to stand with us. Do you think this is too early?
Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

It’s not easy to find the perfect crib (bassinet) and mattress for your baby! Given the wide range of choices available, this is normal. I


Mrs. Krief wanted to use thalassotherapy to offer babies a relaxing bath that calms and heals.
Labial Fusion or Labial Adhesion

Labial Fusion or Labial Adhesion

Some young girls’ vulva labia minora will appear to be completely closed. This is called fused labia or labial adhesion. This causes stress for parents
How to help your baby's language from birth to one-year-old?

How to help your baby’s language from birth to one-year-old?

Here are some tips to help your baby develop language, vocabulary and pronunciation. Speak to your baby using short, but correct sentences.
The Calming Dance

The Calming Dance

Your baby is inconsolable, and you’ve tried everything. Have you tried the calming dance?
Conditions Associated with Eczema

Conditions Associated with Eczema

To learn more about eczema, go to Eczema and Babies. There are many conditions associated with eczema. Research seems to show a link between eczema