Tag: Pregnant

Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Make no mistake pregnant women, one day you will have difficulty bending over! This is due to your baby growing inside your warm uterus. Do
Sources of Folic Acid (Folates)

Sources of Folic Acid (Folates)

To read the first part of this article, go to Vitamins and Folic Acid. Pour lire la première partie de ce billet, accédez au billet Vitamines
Photo - Bas support aux genoux enceinte

Support Socks During Pregnancy – Yes or No?

Hello Everyone, I have received many questions about support socks or stockings during pregnancy and even after childbirth. I did some research and found the
Photo - médicaments

Prenatal Multivitamins: All the Same?

In this article, I want to talk to women who wish to become pregnant and those already expecting their baby. When a woman decides that
Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Do you know which medications are allowed during pregnancy? What can you take for nausea or headaches? What about a cold? If congested, can I
I am pregnant and have urinary incontinence. What should I do?

I am pregnant and have urinary incontinence. What should I do?

Marie, over the past 2-3 weeks, I have been terrified of leaking urine. It has happened to me a couple of times when I would
Can you tell me more about cytomegalovirus (CMV)?

Can you tell me more about cytomegalovirus (CMV)?

My doctor just told me that they wanted to take a blood test to see if I’m infected with cytomegalovirus.
Pregnancy and Travel

Pregnancy and Travel

Are you pregnant and want to go on a trip? Airline travel usually is safe for the mother and baby during pregnancy. However, travel during
Oligohydramnios, or Low Amniotic Fluid Volume

Oligohydramnios, or Low Amniotic Fluid Volume

If you would like to learn more about amniotic fluid, go to Low Amniotic Fluid Volume. Oligohydramnios, or low amniotic fluid volume, is a pregnancy
Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Massage Therapy and Naturopathy During Pregnancy

Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Massage Therapy and Naturopathy During Pregnancy

La rédaction de ce billet s’est faite en partenariat avec l'équipe du Centre Odyssée. What is interdisciplinarity? How can this way of working contribute to helping
25-26 Weeks Pregnant

25-26 Weeks Pregnant

Time is moving fast my little one. Since the 20-week ultrasound, everything is moving forward like a steamroller. I’m not complaining, on the contrary. I
15-16 Weeks Pregnant

15-16 Weeks Pregnant

My name is Philippe, and I’m going to be a dad. Our pregnancy, if I can call it that, has been pretty good so far.