Tag: Care for the baby

Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

Vaccine Risks and Local Responses

There are risks associated with local responses that occur after a vaccination, but most of the time they remain minor.
Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Some newborns born with a tongue frenulum (a band of tissue just under the tongue) that is too short. They can’t stick out their tongue
Hints to Help Parents Stay in Control

Hints to Help Parents Stay in Control

To get hints about calming your baby, read the article Hints to Calm a Crying Baby. When faced with a baby who persistently cries, there
How can I treat my baby’s dry skin?

How can I treat my baby’s dry skin?

My baby was born in the fall and has very dry skin. He is one month old. How can I improve the situation? Thanks in
Expert advice on how to prepare your child for daycare

Expert advice on how to prepare your child for daycare

If you would like information about the different types of daycare, read The Different Types of Daycare (french only). Here is some expert advice on
My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

Marie, my two-month-old baby seems to have an earache. He twists and turns and complains a lot more. Is he teething? Is he just naturally
How do I choose hearing protection for a baby?

How do I choose hearing protection for a baby?

To read the previous part, go to What is Excessive Noise? Earmuffs and hearing protection devices are increasingly popular. They can make a significant difference
Donating Breast Milk: A Gift of Self

Donating Breast Milk: A Gift of Self

There are many ways to give to others in life, improve lives, do good things, give, serve and make a difference by doing a great
My New Role as Father

My New Role as Father

You might be wondering if you will be able to handle your newborn, give them their bath, burp them, change their diapers. You’ve never cared
What do you need to do after piercing your baby’s ears?

What do you need to do after piercing your baby’s ears?

Read the previous part, Ear Piercing: Step-by-Step. After getting their ears pierced, leave the earrings in for at least three months, and leave the earring
Baby Skin Conditions

Baby Skin Conditions

Many types of newborn skin conditions and birthmarks exist, including heat rash, erythema toxicum, newborn acne, hemangioma, nevus simplex, Mongolian spot and many more! When
Diet to Prevent Allergies?

Diet to Prevent Allergies?

The mother must adapt their diet, which will eliminate proteins from dairy products (milk proteins) to see if there’s a change in the baby allergies.