Tag: Feeding your baby

My baby drinks its bottle in their bed. Is this dangerous?

My baby drinks its bottle in their bed. Is this dangerous?

Marie, to put him to bed, I give my baby his bottle in the crib. Is this dangerous? Thanks for everything! Chantal Be careful Chantal!
My nipples hurt!

My nipples hurt!

My nipples hurt so much! I would like to know what the main reasons for nipple pain are for breastfeeding mothers.
I am worried my baby isn’t getting enough iron!

I am worried my baby isn’t getting enough iron!

After 6 months, a baby’s iron needs increase due to their fast growth during this period of life.
Nipple Pain

Nipple Pain

Nipple injuries are painful. Whether chapping or cracking, these injuries affect the nerve endings found in the skin’s epidermis.
Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Marie, I have a question, and the answers I have gotten are not always the same. Do I need to wash my breast with a
Factors that influence a baby’s weight gain

Factors that influence a baby’s weight gain

This entry aims at explaining the factors that influence weight gain in newborn. The factors are the following...
Iron Deficiencies and Anemia in Babies Under 1 Year

Iron Deficiencies and Anemia in Babies Under 1 Year

Iron deficiency and anemia is the most widespread deficiency in babies under 1 year of age. Over the long-term, iron deficiencies lead to iron-deficiency anemia.
Professional Grade Electric Breast Pumps (Rentals)

Professional Grade Electric Breast Pumps (Rentals)

Professional grade electric breast pumps are used in hospitals to start the lactation process when the baby is not able to breastfeed at all.
Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Some newborns born with a tongue frenulum (a band of tissue just under the tongue) that is too short. They can’t stick out their tongue
How Much Solid Food Should the Baby Get?

How Much Solid Food Should the Baby Get?

How much solid food should the baby get? If you start between four and six months, start with small portions.
When should I pump my milk?

When should I pump my milk?

When do we pump our milk? I am confused! I want to make sure my baby gets enough. Can you help? Thanks, Suzanne Suzanne, it’s
How do I thaw breast milk?

How do I thaw breast milk?

Marie, I have been told all sorts of things about how to thaw breast milk. I take it out of the freezer and place it