Tag: Feeding your baby

My breasts melted away after breastfeeding. Will they go back to the way they were?

My breasts melted away after breastfeeding. Will they go back to the way they were?

Hello Marie, I breastfed my baby for several months. But since I stopped breastfeeding, my breasts have melted away. I have lost a lot of
Professional Grade Electric Breast Pumps (Rentals)

Professional Grade Electric Breast Pumps (Rentals)

Professional grade electric breast pumps are used in hospitals to start the lactation process when the baby is not able to breastfeed at all.
How do I thaw breast milk?

How do I thaw breast milk?

Marie, I have been told all sorts of things about how to thaw breast milk. I take it out of the freezer and place it
Foods to Start with in your Baby’s Diet

Foods to Start with in your Baby’s Diet

Bien qu'il n'existe pas d'ordre d'introduction formel, les aliments à privilégier pour débuter l'alimentation de bébé sont nombreux.
Do you need a nursing bra?

Do you need a nursing bra?

To learn more about nursing bra considerations, go to Choosing the Right Nursing Bra. Do you need a nursing bra? You don’t have to buy
Baby Diets: When to Introduce Solid Foods

Baby Diets: When to Introduce Solid Foods

When to Introduce Solid Foods? Is it the right time? What food should they start with? What quantities?
Is there arsenic in baby cereal?

Is there arsenic in baby cereal?

Marie, I heard someone say that there is arsenic in baby cereal. This worries me...
Can I make baby purées in advance?

Can I make baby purées in advance?

I’m 36 weeks pregnant, in top shape but in preventative withdrawal. I’m preparing meals for the return home after childbirth and was wondering if you
The Art of Serving Purées

The Art of Serving Purées

L'art de servir les purées de bébé : quand servir le repas, quelle quantité de purée donner et à quelle température?
Can I heat bottles and meals in the microwave?

Can I heat bottles and meals in the microwave?

I reheat my seven-month-old baby’s bottle and meals in the microwave. A friend told me that I shouldn’t do this. Why? Sacha Good question, Sacha!
Introducing Solid Foods

Introducing Solid Foods

In this week’s video, she talks about introducing solid foods to your baby. What age should you start?
Origins of Food Allergies

Origins of Food Allergies

Most often food allergies result from combinations of genetics and environment.