Tag: Life as a family

My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

Marie, my baby cries for long periods during both the day and night. Most of the time, I am alone to take care of it,
How to prepare for daycare and returning to work?

How to prepare for daycare and returning to work?

Theoretically, I will be returning to work in about six weeks, and I’m already stressed about leaving my baby with someone else. Can you help
What product should I use to clean my baby’s toys?

What product should I use to clean my baby’s toys?

Marie, my baby is three months old, and they are putting everything in their mouth! I would like to know if it's safe to wash
Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my two-month-old baby water? It’s sweltering out, and he’s always thirsty. Thanks for your help, Anouk Anouk, your baby is still too
Returning Home After Childbirth

Returning Home After Childbirth

Giving birth and becoming parents changes lives. How can you get through this turbulent period?
I am not yet living with my spouse. Am I considered my baby’s official father?

I am not yet living with my spouse. Am I considered my baby’s official father?

I was wondering if I am considered my baby’s legal father, even if I don’t live with my spouse. Can you tell me? Thanks, Steve
Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

In general, the arrival of a new child is a joyful time for the whole family. But for 10-15% of new mothers, their new status
The annoucnement that changed everything - two babies

The annoucnement that changed everything – two babies

"Do you want to see your baby?" I wasn't expecting that. I was at the end of my first monitoring appointment with my spouse. I


Did you read Genevieve’s previous article about Multiple Pregnancy? I gave birth at 34 weeks, six days. When people hear that, most say “That’s not
Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

I was wondering if I could wash my future baby’s clothing in the same wash I do for my own. Do I need special soap?
Signer avec bébé

Sign Language and Babies

In his previous article, François talks about how to take time with a baby. Dans son billet précédent, François nous parle de comment prendre du
Important Resources and Support for Anxiety

Important Resources and Support for Anxiety

Vous pouvez consulter un ou des professionnels (md, psychiatre, psychologue) dont le but est de faire une évaluation complète.