Tag: Pregnant

Do you have any recipes for virgin drinks?

Do you have any recipes for virgin drinks?

Marie, the Holidays are approaching, and I know I can’t drink alcohol during my pregnancy. Can you suggest some interesting mixes I can drink during
Photo - Plante de marijuana, cannabis et grossesse

Cannabis and Pregnancy

Article Updated 06/04/2018 Hello Parents, Today I wanted to share data and some of my thoughts with you about a topic that has made headlines
Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

A friend told me I should wear gloves to garden in case cat stool is present. Is this true Marie? Gabrielle Your friend’s right! In
Name Popularity

Name Popularity

To read the previous part, go to Finding a Name for Baby. Many parents are daring when choosing less popular names so that their child
I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am 30 weeks pregnant and expecting my first baby. I am really scared that the doctor will cut my perineum during childbirth. Does this
What is BMI?

What is BMI?

Avec mon IMC, mon médecin m’a dit que je prenais trop de poids lors de ma dernière visite de suivi de grossesse. Qu'est-ce que l'IMC?
Can I paint and stain when pregnant?

Can I paint and stain when pregnant?

Marie, we just bought a home, and I was wondering if I should be there why my husband paints or stains the stairs. I am
Do you know about restless legs syndrome?

Do you know about restless legs syndrome?

Marie, I am 24 weeks pregnant, and why I lay down, my leg gets restless and starts moving non-stop. My cousin said it was restless
I’m 34 weeks pregnant!

I’m 34 weeks pregnant!

Dear Mothers, This week I 34 weeks pregnant (Saturday)! I am so relieved, though I’m scared of giving birth if it happens tomorrow…I have been
Whooping Cough Vaccine - Mandatory?

Whooping Cough Vaccine – Mandatory?

Marie, my friend is pregnant at the same time as me, and her doctor suggested that she get a whooping cough vaccine. Mine didn’t mention
Filiation...or how do I prove I am the father or mother of my child?

Filiation…or how do I prove I am the father or mother of my child?

To learn more about parental authority, go to Parental authority…or what are my rights and obligations towards my child? Filiation is the legal link between
Advice to Increase your Daily Consumption of Dairy Products

Advice to Increase your Daily Consumption of Dairy Products

To read the previous part, go to Consuming Milk in the Form of Popsicles. Pour lire la partie précédente, rendez-vous à Consommer du lait en